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Construct Hamper via stock group

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Hamper is combination of group of items to be sell at one price and wrapped nicely.


  1. Group of items to be sell as hamper.
  2. Wrapping fee is fixed at RM 20.
  3. Hamper will price at RM 199


  1. Create a product code for Hamper, set cost as RM 1 and price as RM 199 with UOM as UNIT.
  2. Tick on update OHB.
  3. Click “Save” to save hamper code.
  4. after saved, at same screen, click at “Group” button. note: make sure Master Product is showing the correct hamper code.
  5. Enter the selected items to be pack as hamper.
  6. If you need to charge a standard service charge to hamper, create 1 product code with no update to OHB.
  7. Enter the service charge into the grouping as well.
  8. Click Save, system will auto calculate the unit cost and update back to hamper code. (refer to circle-a and circle-b).
  9. Selling price is defined the moment item code created. otherwise, will maintain via Price Event.
  10. Upon completed, go to print internal barcode and stick on the hamper. or you may stick it on a itemize list. Note: Please check, this list might required by local authority.
  11. At cashier counter, cashier only need to scan on the internal barcode. System will deduct inventory based on item quantity defined in stock grouping.

Warning : Hamper code only be able to maintain at HQ BackEnd. outlet is not able to create or edit any stock grouping.

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